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McGraw Hill Education (UK) Ltd – Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the Financial Year 2023

Date: 26 June 2023
  Deborah Flanagan
  Ian Edwin White
  Cristopher Phillip Knight



Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the Financial Year 2023

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK) and sets out the steps McGraw Hill has taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chains or in any part of our business.


Organisation’s Structure

McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Ltd is a global publisher of educational materials and operates in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) providing production, marketing, and operational support for the development and distribution of educational resources. 

McGraw-Hill Education (Australia) Private Ltd is a global publisher of educational materials and operates in Australia and New Zealand providing production, marketing, and operational support for the development and distribution of educational resources.

McGraw-Hill Education (UK) in an indirect subsidiary of McGraw Hill LLC.

Our Business 
We develop and print educational resources and partner with distributors for our four main business units: International, Professional, School and Higher Education.

Our Supply Chains
We engage authors and developers of content and technology, print and supply books from multiple warehouse sites and print on demand vendors across the globe. We work with distribution partners to supply print and eBook solutions and enable access to our broad range of digital solutions for our global customers. 

Relevant Policies
We are committed to act with integrity in all our business dealings and comply with laws. Many of our existing policies contain sections which are aimed at ensuring that we work with integrity in our global business and supply chain, including that we ensure there is no slavery or human trafficking.

These include:

Due Diligence Processes for Slavery and Human Trafficking
As part of our continuing efforts to identify and mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain, we have strengthened our processes and procedures in order to

  • Identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains.
  • Mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains.
  • Monitor potential risk areas in our supply chain; and
  • Protect whistle blowers.

Supplier Adherence to Our Values
We do not tolerate slavery and human trafficking. To ensure that the parties in our supply chain act in a manner consistent with our values, we require all suppliers to agree with our Red Cube Shared Values, as set out in MHE Supplier Standards.

Every year all employees undergo an annual COBE training course and confirm their knowledge and commitment to adhere to the COBE, which emphasizes the standards of conduct and behavior that McGraw Hill employees are required to maintain.